Healing the Spirit with Light; Secrets of Indian Medicine & More!

Hey friend,

I hope you’re in state of joy and happiness.

Last year, my Dad was visiting the famous Aurobindo Ashram in India and brought a very interesting book by Dr. R. S. Agrawal, the Secrets of Indian Medicine.

As a teenager at the age of 19, I once ran away to the Aurobindo Ashram. I didn’t know where I would stay or what I would do. I had been reading his amazing book, The Life Divine and of course exploring consciousness as it was blooming, and the book provided so many answers. One fine day, my soul felt this deep calling and I was off! I still remember the day and more particularly the moment I laid my head on his Samadhi (tomb shrine).

It was quite an experience I can tell you, there was this very peaceful light that permeated my entire being, healing all sorrows and providing an illumined mental state even though I was not a serious meditator at that time.

Sri Aurobindo

“On 5th December 1950 at 1:26 a.m. he left his body and by morning the entire body was seen to be suffused with a golden-crimson hue, so fresh and so magnificent, lifting us from the pall of gloom to a mute wonder. This Supramental Light remained for five days at a stretch and many people witnessed the magnificent and unique phenomenon. A mortal body generally shows signs of decomposition within twenty-four hours, but for five days Sri Aurobindo’s body remained intact with no signs of discoloration or decomposition. Gradually, on 9th December, the light began to fade, and in the evening the body was put in a rosewood box and laid to rest in the Ashram courtyard under the cool shade of the Service Tree.“

It was under this tree, laying my forehead for just 30 seconds on the now stone Samadhi, that I found all the answers I was looking for. It was that fast!

I sat there till they closed the ashram, and left back to college the same evening. I hadn’t eaten for 2 days almost but I don’t think I had ever felt so good before. Anyways, that was the first time I realized that spiritual energy does exist and it can be developed, moreover, it’s possible for such energy to exist long after a person has left this world and still be available in a tangible form.

Sri Aurobindo was a freedom fighter apart from a philosopher and saint. A lot of people came to Aurobindo Ashram back in the days. His wife lovingly called The Mother, did a lot of work for establishing the tools and spaces needed to create advanced methods of spiritual healing. The pinnacle of her research and development is Matrimandir.

The globe is made from stainless steel and the discs are gold plated. The inner chamber where there is a meditation hall houses the largest optically-perfect glass globe in the world. A single beam of light enters this globe and illumines the chamber. The frequency of this light is remarkable, you will certainly feel it lighting up your mind. Most people are only allowed into take a 1 minute visit inside the inner chamber. I still find the experience I had at the Sri Aurobindo Samadhi to be much superior to this structure, but its close!

Anyways, moving to the beginning of where we started. Auroville (the forest town where the followers now reside) has a vibrant healer community, and as usual there’s politics, etc. But there are some amazing doctors whom I respect, they have truly advanced multiple modalities of healing. Dr. R. S. Agarwal is one of them. He’s an ophthalmologist who has synthesized systems of ancient Indian medicine, modern medicine, homeopathy and nature cure to treat eye troubles.

I’ve been researching on improving eye health with hydrogen, and for me any treatment is incomplete without the integrative medicine approach. So this book is gold for me.

Secrets of Indian Medicine by R. S. Agarwal

The cover photograph, taken at the Jardin Exotique de Monaco, is of Calandrinia grandiflora. The Mother gave spiritual significances to flowers according to the special qualities they represent and named this flower, “Material power to heal”.

Case histories and question-and-answer sections make this a handbook for improving one's eyesight as well as an exposition of the secrets of Indian medicine.

So needless to say, if you’re working on eye health, this book is a must-have as Myopia is a huge problem today. Hopefully the emerging research on applying integrative therapies can further help reduce the problem, although I think the best solution might be living a more natural life.

Acupuncture, with its ancient roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), has gained increasing popularity in recent years as a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy for various conditions.

Like TCM, Ayurveda also believes that the being is composed of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether (Prana). It is quite simple to understand: one eats food from the earth, enjoys the sun, breathes the air and is alive due to the presence of ether or life-force. Ether, Chi or Prana are the same life-force basically. Scientific studies have shown that a smooth qi flow in meridians can help reduce pain. More on this in the article on integrating PEMF and acupuncture.

pemf therapy in acupuncture magnetic therapy

Thank you for the great feedback on my previous post on homeopathy, PEMF and molecular hydrogen, your kind words really help me enjoy my work so much!

We welcome your questions and also enjoy working with natural medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, functional medicine practitioners and sports trainers among others. Please feel free to write to us, I look forward to hearing from you!

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Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT) utilizes wavelengths in a similar range as the James Webb Telescope's NIR Cam. It is star light indeed! These wavelengths used are able to penetrate skin, soft tissues, cartilages and bones. Read this article to learn about the numerous clinical studies on the application of LLLT.

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Featured Products

Hi-Tech 810nm Transcranial Light Helmet

The Hi-tech near-infrared light transcranial stimulation helmet is designed for treating the entire brain with 810nm wavelength near-infrared photobiomodulation. Its easy to operate and can be applied at home or clinic. It is a versatile brain stimulation device with dual-mode (pulsed or continuous wave), timer, frequency selection and 4 intensity levels.

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LLLT Complete

The LLLT Complete is a multi-purpose system designed to relieve inflammation non-invasively with a handheld applicator with 16 laser diodes and also has probe applicators for oral, nasal and aural (ear) application.

It's the perfect LLLT machine that offers complementary or adjunct pain treatment for clinics. Home-users can also consider this excellent portable system and have something that works on a wide range of issues.

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Molecular Hydrogen Systems

Our Hydrogen machines are simple to use and do not require anything complex, installation should not take more than a few minutes. All we have to do is fill in distilled water, connect the hoses/nasal cannulas and start the machine.

There are a few systems so you can choose one based on your budget and comfort level.

The Basic provides 150 ml H2 + 75 ml O2 / min (Basic + H2 Eye package)

Ultra 900 - 600 H2 + 300 O2 (900 + H2 Eye package)

Ultra 1500 - 1000 H2 + 500 O2

Ultra 3000 - 2000 H2 + 1000 O2

Considering an average weighted person (140 lbs) inhales 6 liters or 6000 ml/min of air, the maximum supplemental dosage of H2 would be 2.5%, 10%, 16%, 33% with these systems. The Ultra series have gas output control so it's possible to ramp up usage. Higher doses will have deeper action and faster results, ramping up the dosage may be needed to acclimatize.

Hi-Tech H2 + O2 Ultra 3000

The Hi-Tech H2+O2 Ultra 3000 is our highest volume hydrogen and oxyhydrogen (H2/O2) generator and also allows you to make hydrogen-rich water. It produces up to 2 liters per minute (L/min) of H2, 1 L/min O2 for a combined output of 3 L/min (~100 fl. oz./min) of H2 & O2 together. This machine is our top end, most powerful model and provides a huge gush of H2.

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Ultra 900 and Ultra 1500

Ultra (900 and 1500) are perfect for hydrogen and oxyhydrogen inhalation and making hydrogen-rich water (HRW). These desktop hydrogen inhalers are easy to use and can be used at any bed-side, desk or clinic.

H2 Basic + H2 Eye Package

The H2 Basic + H2 Eye package includes the light-weight Hi-Tech Basic Hydrogen + Oxygen Inhalation Machine and Eye Massager Device which can be used along with the Hydrogen generator.

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For one who knows how to see behind appearances, there is, hidden at the centre of this Matter - at the centre of each atom of this Matter - there is, hidden, the Supreme Divine Reality working from within, gradually, through the millennia, to change this inert Matter into something that is expressive enough to be able to reveal the Spirit within.

The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother. - Volume 9. - Questions And Answers (1957)

Disclaimer: Content and research links are provided for reference purposes only and are not intended to recommend any products as a drug or as a diagnosis for any illness or disease condition; nor to eliminate disease or other medical condition. The information herein has not been evaluated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Information and opinions provided here are based upon reputably published journals and first hand experience. Information found and opinions expressed anywhere on our website, emails or social media channels are not to be used as medical advice. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

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