Healing Light – The Incredible Use of Polarized Light; Origin of the word Quarantine & More!


This newsletter aims to provide readers with a deeper insight into the essentials of polarized light therapy, to describe its biological effects, and to illustrate areas where the therapy has been used successfully. Our hope is that the information about the uses of the polarized light lamp will be helpful not only to you personally, but also to your family and friends.

Perhaps the most significant difference between our home the Earth, the third planet in the Solar system, and the other planets is that it supports life. Life is something unique whether it originated here or was seeded from somewhere else.

Enormous amounts of energy was needed to generate and sustain life and its characteristic order. The light of the Sun accounted for a significant part of this energy. The visible spectrum constituting a part of sunlight is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of approximately 400–700 nanometers (nm), and visible light forms the most intensive part of sunlight, accounting for over half of its total intensity. Therefore, it is not surprising that the basis of life on Earth is visible light.

It is worth considering that the intensity of the sunlight that reaches Earth is very high: 1.4 kW per square meter. The entire Earth receives 1.6×1018 kilowatt hours per year. This is a huge amount, about twenty thousand times larger than the total energy usage of human beings. Our energy supply is therefore very generous. This radiated energy also created the right conditions for the development of life.

Origins of Polarized Light Therapy

Natural light is non-polar and spreads in all directions. Visible light can be broken down into numerous electromagnetic frequencies, and frequency relates to a color of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, etc. Since ancient times there has been therapeutic use of visible light spectrum.

The first source of light therapy was natural sunlight, used in ancient Egypt and Greece as part of medical treatments. This is the origin of the classical name of light therapy, heliotherapy. Colored prisms were inserted into the walls of the healing temples of Heliopolis, and patients were treated with the light refracted by the crystals.

Interestingly, an edict issued in 1377 in the city of Ragusa (in Southern Sicily) prescribed 40 day-long sun and wind therapy for ships and sailors reaching its harbor. Later this method of disinfection came to be known as quarantine, a word of Italian origin.

In modern times, the therapeutic benefits of light therapy have been reported since the late 1960s with applications ranging from neonatal jaundice to psoriasis and vitiligo. There are several types of phototherapies differentiated by the specific physical qualities of the light used, with the most common being low‐level laser therapy and ultraviolet therapies. In recent years, however, it has been proposed that a broad light spectrum covering all light colors, and polarization are crucial elements in light therapy.

What is Polarized Light?

Natural light waves that do not originate from a point light source vibrate in all directions. In polarized light the vibration of the light wave is unidirectional.

Polarized light is formed by the filtering of light waves so that they are aligned and vibrated in a single plane. Once polarized, light has the ability to penetrate further into tissues than its unpolarized counterpart.

A polarized light therapy lamp produces polarized light by absorbing some of the light from the visible spectrum and selectively allowing a particular wavelength to pass through.

Broad, visible spectrum PLT differs from other forms of phototherapy as it uses a much wider range of wavelengths than other modalities such as, LLLT or UV. Consequently, the devices used in PLT are generally less expensive and relatively easy to use.

Light waves moving in parallel plains. The polarization rate of the first commercially available lamps was higher than 95%, while that of the most up-to-date models exceeds 99%. As opposed to laser light composed of light rays of uniform wavelength, polarized light covers a wide spectrum between 480 nm and 3,400 nm, including visible light and the lower wavelengths of the infrared range. However, polarized light does not contain UV rays. Polarized light is a low-energy light that treats the skin surface at a constant intensity.

Lens of various colors can be used to specifically tailor polarized light therapy for various applications.

Over recent decades, increasing numbers of research groups have become interested in polarized light therapy and it has been proven effective in certain areas of clinical and cell research including:

■ Optimizing the immune system

■ Wound healing in cases of ulcers, burns, postoperative scars and injuries

■ Pain relief from sports injuries, joint problems and muscle aches

■ Depression, insomnia and mood

■ Veterinary application

How does polarized light therapy work?

Generally speaking, the regulatory effects of polarized light are due to the normalization of processes, and, importantly, polarized light stimulates or switches on the body's own defense system.

It affects the cell membrane and intracellular membranes, and can modify the arrangement of molecules (primarily affecting lipids, or fats) in the membrane closely associated with the proteins inserted into the lipid bilayer, which in turn affects both inter- and intracellular biological processes and communication.

Another group of scientists thinks that polarized light works primarily at the level of mitochondria, the energy producing units of the cell, thus stimulating energy (ATP) production and decreasing the level of reactive oxygen radicals, and that these processes induce or inhibit further mechanisms at the cellular level.

A polarized light therapy lamp produces polarized light by absorbing some of the light from the visible spectrum and selectively allowing a particular wavelength to pass through. The fact that the polarized light lamp can provide benefits without producing side effects means you can confidently try out the device for the treatment of all kinds of problems, in people of any age, from infants to the elderly.

As evident Polarized Light has multiple benefits:

■ Treatment without side effects or age limits.

■ Can complement any other therapy prescribed by a physician.

■ Treatment sessions are short (5-10 minutes, 1-3 times a day)

■ Can be used with magnetic implants.

It must be kept in mind (as emphasized in the description of specific diseases) that polarized light therapy is not a substitute for medical care and pharmacological treatment.

ActiveBio+ Polarized Light Lamp

ActiveBio+ is a polarized light therapy lamp or photobiomodulation device with a 99% polarization rate and 6 colors. It is a product at the pinnacle of PLT evolution as it is able to transmit a precise color wavelength that penetrates up to 5 cm deep.

Delivered worldwide with guidebook, free shipping, 3 years warranty and 30-day trial.

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As always, please feel free to write to us if you have any questions. We look forward to serving you well.

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DISCLAIMER: All content is provided for reference purposes only and are not intended to recommend any products as a drug or as a diagnosis for any illness or disease condition; nor to eliminate disease or other medical condition. Information and opinions provided here are based upon reputably published journals and first hand experience. Information found and opinions expressed anywhere on our website, emails or social media channels are never to be construed as medical advice. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

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